- 紛争解決{ふんそう かいけつ}プロセスの見直し{みなおし}
review of the conflict resolution process 意味
- "review of subject" 意味
- "review of textbooks" 意味
- "review of the ban on" 意味
- "review of the basic guidelines" 意味
- "review of the code of conduct" 意味
- "review of the current assignment" 意味
- "review of the fleet" 意味
- "review of the japan-u.s. status of forces agreement" 意味
- "review of the medical insurance system" 意味
- "review of the basic guidelines" 意味
- "review of the code of conduct" 意味
- "review of the current assignment" 意味
- "review of the fleet" 意味